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This semester has been a little hectic so far. I know I’ve been a bit MIA, as some of my classes have hectic schedules and are a bit difficult. My finance class is very hard, much more than I expected it to be.  I have the first exam coming up this weekend, so I’m trying really hard to understand the material and the equations.

My Capstone class is fun and exciting. I can’t believe I’m already on the Capstone. College flew by! Hard to believe I’m almost done!

Criminology is great and fascinating, though I have a quiz every 5 days so I have to stay on top of it everyday. Adolescent Psychology is also fascinating. Usually, I’d be in that class right now, but there’s a freeze here so classes were cancelled.

And Photography is fun! I love it, as y’all probably already know 🙂 I’ve had to dab into photoshop and learn how to use that. It was pretty new to me. What I’m really looking forward to is learning how to do nighttime photography, which is coming up soon, so I’m excited 🙂

Speaking of photography, due to the freeze, I’ve been able to practice my photography using the icicles we experienced – which we only get to experience maybe every few years.  All the schools are closed, many workplaces are closed, government offices are closed, etc. It’s been quite a way to start off the new year!

These were from our deck and stairs:
IMG_3298 IMG_3308

Our cars were frozen too:
IMG_3322 IMG_3323


Those were taken during the freeze last Friday, but we experienced another one today. I have to say that I’ve loved this winter. It doesn’t usually get very cold here, so it’s been a nice cold winter 🙂